This brand-new ground-breaking study is about the lives of teenagers and young adults in adoptive and Special Guardianship families.

This Family Routes brand-new ground-breaking study is about the lives of teenagers and young adults in adoptive and Special Guardianship families.
The government really wants to better understand what your life is like and what would make your life better.
Taking part is so important! What you tell us can make a real difference. Like past government research, this new study aims to improve the ways that families are supported, how schools understand the experience of young people who are adopted or living with a Special Guardian and learn how services can better support young people as they become adults.
Sarah Jennings, Deputy Director at the Department for Education has said
“This ground-breaking research will inform future government policy and delivery of both adoption and kinship care support. Previous research on adoption led directly to the development of the Adoption Support Fund and additional support in schools for adopted children. This research will inform our thinking on how to further improve the support provided to adoptive and kinship care families.”
We are reaching out to all adoptive and Special Guardianship families, as records are not often kept of the age of children in families and the legal orders were made many years ago. To contact families, we are asking local authorities and adoption agencies to send information to all those on their mailing lists and are using social media. So, you might hear about the study in different ways. If you know of other families, please let them know about the study.
The more families and young people that take part the stronger the evidence will be.
All the information you give is confidential and no-one will know what you have said unless you indicate that you or someone else is at risk of harm. We are grateful to all those who agree to take part and understand and respect your right to privacy. Who can take part?
Adoptive parents or Special Guardians of a young person currently aged 12-25 years.
Young people aged 12-25 who live in England and left care on an Adoption or Special Guardianship Order.
12-17-year-olds will need an adoptive parent or Special Guardian to agree first.
Please see the Family Routes Website for more information.
Please see the poster below for further information and to participate.
